The High Cost

Today's New York Times Science Times section had an intersting set of statistics about sexual attraction. The statistics came from a study of 20,000 online profiles and participants who ranked the profiles in terms of attractiveness.

Not surprisingly, height in males was considered a major factor in attractiveness to females. Height and attractiveness were ranked with reference to height as 6'0" and an average income of $62,500 per year. Short stature could be overcome in terms of luring mates, and one's attractiveness score increased, by financial success.

5'10" just as attractive as 6'0" if income $32,000 more than 6'0"
5'8" just as attractive as 6'0" if income $146,000 more than 6'0"
5'2" just as attractive as 6'0" if income $277,000 more than 6'0"
5'0" just as attractive as 6'0" if income $325,000 more than 6'0"

This isn't the end of the story, because the 6'0" candidates still had to contend with those taller. To be found as attractive as someone 6'4", a 6'0" male would have to make $43,000 more.

Another interesting number: less than 1% of online profiles self-reported as "less than average" attractiveness. Go figure.

For the record, I'm 5'10". :)


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