Potter Predictions

Ok, I know that I am technically posting this at 12:30 am on 21 July, so the book has been on sale for half an hour, and there have been numerous spoilers flitting around the Internets. However, I was out drinking tonight, and am only just now back at my computer. For my own embarrassment, I'm putting it on the line and making some predictions, based on my exhaustive, erudite, and encyclopedic study of the Harry Potter series:

1. Snape will die.
Harry will come to understand that Snape was acting on Dumbledore's orders when Snape killed Dumbledore. Harry will recognize that he had been wrong about Snape all along.

2. Malfoy will die, but with his death help Harry greatly. Malfoy will betray the Dark Lord.

3. Dudley Dursley will perform magic.
Rowling has hinted that a character will perform magic who has never performed magic before. Dudley has Petunia's bloodline, which is magical, even if Petunia is a squib.

4. There will be a Deatheater attack at the wedding of Fleur and Bill.

5. Harry will discover something related to the Horcruxes at Godric's Hollow, where his parents were killed.

6. Neither Harry nor Ron nor Hermione will die.

7. Neville Longbottom will become a Herbology teacher at Hogwarts later in his life.

8. The locked room in the Department of Mysteries contains the source of magic itself--and Harry will either lose his own ability to do magic, or cause magic to cease from the world.

So there it is. By the time you're reading this, you'll know how many (if any) of these I got right. :)

1 Comment:

  1. annaham said...
    This has nothing to do with Harry Potter, but:

    One of your old posts inspired a new bit of rantery from me. Hooray!

    Enjoy Deathly Hallows. :)

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